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Get Your Eyes Off Yourself

Bible Topics

Get Your Eyes Off Yourself

Bob Yandian

Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. – Proverbs 4:7 NKJV

I have seen this happen so often. A person comes to church and gets built up in the word, and then begins to stand on the word of God. After a while, there’s almost an arrogance that can come into some people’s hearts and their attitude becomes that it’s their faith, and their great wisdom that’s getting them healed. Folks, God healed you. In fact, the closer you draw to Him and the more of the word you have, you should end up walking in more humility toward yourself and greater praise toward God.

The Bible tells us that Abraham became strong in faith. It didn’t say Abraham became strong in faith by taking all the glory for himself. It says Abraham became strong in faith giving glory to God (Romans 4:20). The stronger he became in faith, the less he thought of himself, and the more he thought of God.

I don’t believe people that come to me and say, “Hey, I’ve grown in faith.” And all you hear is about them. “I did the four points. I did the seven things here. I fasted. I prayed.” It’s all I…I…I…. I think the more you grow in faith the more you should talk about the goodness and mercy of God…the grace of God. Because really when it comes down to it, I don’t care how strong in faith you are it’s still not your faith that makes you whole. It’s God working through your faith and His power that makes you whole. Of course, the two work together, and you are to walk in faith, but in the end strong faith always glorifies God because He is the one who heals us. He’s the one who brings deliverance.

The more I know of the word, the more I should fall in love with Jesus. Fall in love with His grace, and thank Him for His stripes, and thank Him for the shed blood, and thank Him for the things He did for me so that I can walk in the abundant life that He has for me.

The Leading of the Holy Spirit

“Show me your ways (notice they’re plural), Lord, teach me your paths (notice they’re plural). Lead me in your truth. Teach me, for you are the God of my salvation (or my deliverance); (notice this) on you do I wait all the day” (Psalm 25:4-5, paraphrased).

Notice, here’s a guy that has all the verses and has all the ways shown before him, but he needs to wait on the Lord all day long to finally get the peace of the Holy Spirit as to what to do. God doesn’t want us to choose what we’re going to do with our life. He wants to guide us into all these things He shows us from the Word. The same thing is true with methods of healing. We are to wait on the Lord throughout the day, and let Him guide us into the right way we are to go.

Once we have the word, we should meditate on it. Why? Verse 15 says, “I will meditate in thy precepts (that’s the word), and have respect unto your ways” (Psalm 119:15 paraphrased).

The precepts are the word, and the ways are the direction of the Holy Spirit. We need to wait for both and not just have the word, but also wait on the Holy Spirit. The word brings healing, but also the anointing of God brings healing. The two work together to cause that powerful effect in our lives.

If you discover you have sickness in your body, find scriptures on that and meditate on them. But then wait on the Holy Spirit for His direction, and He will show you how that is to be accomplished in your life.

Healing Is For You (MP3s)
Healing Is For You (CDs)
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Healing (Flash Drive)
How Deep are the Stripes? (Paperback)
God's Methods of Healing (MP3s)
Sale Price: $14.00 Original Price: $18.00
God's Methods of Healing (CDs)
Sale Price: $28.00 Original Price: $36.00
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