John the Baptist (MP3s) — Bob Yandian Ministries

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This is a study of four characters in the book of Ruth: Elimelech, Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz. From Elimelech you will learn about lessons from a backslider. In Naomi you will see how a backslider is fully restored. Ruth will show us how God provides in our times of need, and from Boaz we will see how Jesus is our Kinsman Redeemer. Come and learn from each of these four characters as they speak to you about your walk with the Lord as well as showing you more about Jesus and what He has done for us.

Sermon Titles:

Elimelech: Lessons of a Backslider
Naomi: A Backslider Fully Restored
Ruth: A Stranger No More
Boaz: The Kinsman Redeemer

4 MP3s

John the Baptist (MP3s)

John the Baptist (MP3s)


John the Baptist was born and called as a prophet to Israel at an important time in the history of the nation. John was anointed by the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb and the Bible declares no Old Testament prophet was greater than John because he saw Jesus Christ come in the flesh. In this in depth teaching about John the Baptist you will learn the significance of his birth, his ministry of water baptism, the parallels between John the Baptist and Elijah, and why John said of Jesus, “He must increase, but I must decrease.”

Sermon Titles:

Elijah and John
More Than a Prophet
So What’s in a Name?
A Closer Look at John The Baptist
The Pitfall of the Prophet
Dying Grace

6 MP3s / 6 Lessons / MBC02

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